Triglyceride Assay Kit

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Summary & Explanation

All lipoproteins are macromolecular complexes composed of hundreds to thousands of core lipid molecules (triglycerides and cholesteryl esters) that are covered by a surface monolayer of phospholipids, a small quantity of free cholesterol, and one or more apolipoproteins.5 The apolipoproteins play minor roles as amphipathic proteins at the interface of the aqueous plasma and the lipid-soluble core of each lipoprotein particle. They play major roles as regulators of the lipoprotein metabolism.

Category: Colorimetric Kits



PRODUCT NAME Triglyceride Assay Kit
APPLICATIONS Fully automated analyzer, Spectrophotometer
SAMPLES TYPE Serum, Plasma (Edta or Heparin)
Content Explanation Shelf life
Reagent-1 1x30ml 6 months
Calibrator 1×0.5ml 6 months
Q.Control 1×0.5ml 6 months
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