Glucose Assay Kit

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Glucose is the central energy source of the cells in the organism. The most common supply follows hydrolytic cleavage of polymeric carbohydrates, in general starch. Glucose is a monosaccharide with an postprandial concentration of 5 mmol/l in the blood and serves as an indispensable energy-supply for cellular functions. The glucose catabolism takes place via the glycolysis as the first step, followed by the citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.
Glucose regulations become executed the diagnosis and course control of carbohydrate metabolism illnesses like the diabetes mellitus, neonatal hypoglycemia, idiopathic hypoglycemia and with insulinoma.
The test bases on the coupling of the enzymatic oxidation of glucose by glucose oxidase resulting in hydrogen peroxide, which is subsequently used for the generation of a coloured product by peroxidase. In the Trinder method the carcinogenic ortho-dianisidine used in earlier formulations has been replaced by phenole and 4-amino-antipyrine.

Category: Colorimetric Kits



PRODUCT NAME Glucose Assay Kit
APPLICATIONS Fully automated analyzer, Spectrophotometer
SAMPLES TYPE Serum, Plasma (Edta or Heparin)
Content Explanation Shelf life
Reagent-1 1x30ml 6 months
Calibrator 1×0.5ml 6 months
Q.Control 1×0.5ml 6 months

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